
Mediate, don’t Litigate.

Mediating a business dispute instead of litigating, is a highly successful process that is both time saving and cost effective for businesses. People engage in business deals all the time. Often times the expectations on each end differ, and when things don’t go exactly as planned, these differing expectations are brought into sharp contrast. Mediation is a great opportunity to come up with the best solution and can even salvage your business relationships.

How Mediation Works   How You Benefit

How Mediation Works

Mediation allows companies in dispute to keep the confidence of their customers while resolving differences in the business arena privately.  Mediation’s a session based process where the parties control the time, costs and ultimate outcome with little to no disruption to the business.

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What I Do For You

Bill Ferguson is a professional California State Business Mediator who understands the complexities of family businesses and partnerships. There are many unique questions, concerns and personal issues that need to be addressed when a dispute arises in these circumstances. Therefore, do to his background and experience Bill is extremely qualified to help you and the people or parties you have a dispute with avoid litigation and the high cost of attorneys by getting all of you to the table to work through an alternate resolution to your dispute, one that all parties can live with and move forward with.

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How You Benefit

Mediation offers a way to resolve conflicts and create an agreement that meets the needs of all parties while avoiding the high cost, time and distraction of traditional litigation. The mediation process benefits …..

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